Showing 10–15 of 15 results

Carbon offset OFFICE space


Operating an office space is creating CO2 emissions mainly due to utilities. With this wordwide average per m2 you can offset the emissions of your office space by planting trees.

Select the total size (m²) of all buildings rented or owned by your company
(Always select the higher value that matches your situation)

Carbon offset CAR usage


Individual travel is a major source of carbon emissions. You can offset your car usage with this product. Just fill in the annual kilometrage of your car(s) and you can offset the emissions by planting trees.

Enter your number of kilometres in thousands (1000):

Carbon offset FLIGHTS


Flying is a major source of carbon emissions. You can offset your flights usage with this product. Just fill in the annual kilometrage of your flight(s) and you can offset the emissions by planting trees.

Enter your number of kilometres in thousands (1000):

Carbon offset WEBSITE traffic


Internet traffic is a significaten source of carbon emissions. You can offset your website traffic by planting trees, wheras 40 trees represent 1 ton of CO2.

Carbon offset EVENT


With this product you can configure and compensate the carbon emissions of your event by planting trees.

ecorand CERTIFICATE of your climate action


We prepare an ecorand certificate to officially proof your true climate action with ecorand. This pdf-file will be sent to you by e-mail.