Why compensate with ecorand?


ecorand is a nonprofit organisation where businesses and privates can effecively offset their carbon emissions which can not be avoided by supporting additional reforestation projects.

Our goal =
1 billion trees

Every new tree of our forestation goal will be transparently registered on a CO2 register with public access. Join the challenge!


Benefits for your

By supporting our reforestation projects employees get free access to the ecorand sustainability benefits with discounts of eco-friendly brands, free NFTs and exclusive events. 


Carbon credits are available  in cooperation with international Standards such as 

ecorand carbon credit co2 credit

Following sustainability goals!

un climate change action ecorand

Target group for our CO2 compensation solutions


CO2 compensation made easy!

Configure your compensation in our shop. It is as easy as that:

  • Select the compensation you wish. If you do not know how much to compensate you can follow instructions in configurabel products.
  • Pay per wire transfer, credit card or crypto.
  • You will get an official receipt (E-Mail)
  • You will receive the agreed number of access codes for the ecorand benefits.
  • We keep you updated about the evolution of our service!


Our goal:
1 billion additional trees for the planet!

We colaborate with the biggest reforestation providers on earth in order to ensure high quality and transparency. Addionality of projects is key!






Project sites


People escaping poverty with fair wages

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Sustainable benefits for your people!

We beliefe in behavioral change supporting climate change. The benefit portal will start in March 2023, considering the needs of partners, companies & to accelerate as soon as possible in saving our planet.


In case there are open questions, just drop us a message via the contact form.

Ecorand is a non profit organisation (association registered in Austria), therefore we aim to forward >85% of your donation to the projects. The rest is invested in maintaining the infrastructure and into fundraising.

Our reforestation partners only use native trees. In other words, invasive species are not being used. Depending on the project goal it is also possible that species helping to fight hunger are being used (crops). It is important to mention that we focus on additionality! We plant new trees which would not be planted without your donation.

Our reforestation partners operate in 10 countries on 280 different project sites. Our strategy is to distribute the funds to all sites, as climate change affects the whole planet.

From an effectivity point of view best is to plant trees in developing countries (instead of planting them in the US, Europe …). For the same donation you can plant more trees in developing countries becuase of lower prices for seedlings, land and wages.

At the moment there are ongoing projects in: Haiti, Central America, Philippines, Madagascar, Kenya, Indonesia, Nepal, Mozambique, Ethiopia, Austria, Germany, Spain, Italy, Europe.

In our climate action shop you can select the option to plant trees also in Austria, Germany, Europe.

The vast majority of the trees at our sites are owned by the local communities who actively participated in restoring their regional forest during their employment period with us. The common but much smaller exception is when agroforestry trees are planted at small plot farmer sites where the land is owned by the local farmer. In such cases, the small plot farmer owns the trees along with the proceeds from the trees.

We make every effort to ensure the forest we plant becomes permanent and sustainable. Towards this endour reforestation partners have implemented the following steps:

  • We work carefully with all levels of the government to secure written agreements designating the restoration sites as protected in perpetuity.
  • We do not plant in logging areas. There is never a 100% guarantee that some form of illegal harvest will not occur. However, we do everything within legal limits to ensure the restoration sites are guaranteed to stand in perpetuity.
  • We hire locals to plant the trees. In this way, we alleviate extreme poverty within the impacted community. The community members now have an economic incentive to ensure the well-being of the restoration project. They also have a sense of “ownership” over the trees and restored forest, and they protect it with great care.
  • We plant agroforestry species (fruit, fodder, and construction species designed to provide food security and benefit legitimate human needs). Over time these trees become a source of sustainable income.
  • We do all possible to supply the locals with alternative fuel sources (fuel-efficient dry wood stoves and solar parabolic stoves), which reduces and/or eliminates their dependence on charcoal.
  • We hire forest guards as part of the labor force. We have recently created a Forest Guard Endowment Fund for long-term guarding and protection of our sites.

You can pay at the checkout of our compensation shop by wire transfer, credit card and by crypto payment.

Trees are a great way to absorb carbon emissions. Depending on species, climate conditions and location trees can absorb between 15 and 150 kg of CO2 during a lifetime of 20 years. When calculating the CO2 estimation we always calculate with 25kg and 20 years lifetime per tree (1t of CO2 = 40 trees as per our estimation). Knowing that most trees have a far longer live and most species have a higher capacity for carbon absorbtion, we see our estimation on the save side.

Nevertheless it is to mention that the best way is to avoid CO2. Planting trees is a way of compensating emissions you can not avoid. We are not selling what others call “carbon credits” arising from different sources, we plant trees!

Yes, carbon credits (e.g. GoldStandard) are being sold in our shop. Please take a closer look on our compensation products, it is clearly stated if carbon credits are available. For most donations we use your donation to plant additional trees. “Additional” means, that we are talking about newly projected reforestation. Carbon credits are only as good as the projects involved and the institutions verifying it.

We are doing estimations on how much CO2 will be absorbed by the tree you plant. The caluclation is easy, we calculate with a 25kg CO2 lifetime absorbtion per tree.

1st: analyze your CO2 footprint!

2nd: reduce where you can!

3rd: adapt your lifestyle or your business model!

4th: compensate the rest with projects (additionality!) e.g. with ecorand.

5th: start the process again until you do not need ecorand anymore!

Compensation is senseful whenever you compensate with additional projects, best whenever local population is involved and getting fair wages (preserving woods in a high society hunting ground is not senseful!)

ecorand - non profit organisation for CO2 compensation

Ecorand is a nonprofit organization for CO2 compensation. Small and medium sized companies can offset their carbon emissions by planting trees via ecorand association. As we are an NPO, we can offer the most effective climate actions. More than 85% of your donation is going directly into action for reducing carbon emissions.

Carbon offset for companies - free carbon footprint calculator

Our target group are companies who already know how big their CO2 footprint is and SMEs who first want to find out about their carbon footprint and then compensate. We offer a free of charge carbon footprint calculator for companies where you can find out about your carbon emission footprint by a few clicks. All our calculations are based upon scientific studies and experts. Our approach is to offer packages to give a good estimation on your emissions. In our carbon compensation shop you can configure to your best knowledge. We believe that it is better to offset CO2 right away with a 99% accuracy than wait until all your carbon footprint is 100% ISO or GHG compliant.

The core of our service is not the sale of CO2 certificates (carbon credits) we plant trees instead. Our focus is on reforestation projects around the globe. The trees are local species and are being planted by locals with fair wages.

Once your company has compensated your carbon emissions you will get a communication kit so that you can communicate your true climate action with your employees, investors and clients. You will also get access code for your employees to the ecorand benefit section where your employees can get discounts on eco-friendly products and services.

Transparent carbon emission compensation - public blockchain register for every tree

Every planted tree will be registered in a public, manipulation free register. We use a CO2 neutral blockchain for providing this service. Like that we offer CO2 compensation in a transparent way. Our goal is to plant 1 billion trees, by accessing the ecorand register you can find out how many trees have already been planted.

Why is climate action important to talent and investors?

Climate action is important to talent and investors because it can have a significant impact on the long-term sustainability and profitability of a company or industry. Talent may be attracted to companies that are taking steps to address climate change and reduce their environmental footprint, as it aligns with their personal values and sense of purpose. Investors may also be more likely to invest in companies that are taking action on climate change, as it can signal a commitment to responsible and sustainable business practices, which can lead to long-term financial stability and growth. Additionally, as climate change poses a risk to the global economy, companies that are taking action to mitigate this risk may be better positioned to weather potential financial challenges in the future.