Carbon footprint calculator for companies
Get a free and valid estimation of your company´s carbon footprint with our CO2 calculator for SMEs. Just insert your data with a few clicks and find out your carbon footprint. Make sure to evaluate your business regularly to find out CO2 reduction potentials.
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Note: This average considers the average carbon footprint of an employee incl. heating, cooling, power, waste disposal, utilities & commuting. Business trips by car or plane are not included!
Company Space
What space in m2 does your company have?
(e.g. office, shop, production area with heating/cooling...)
Car Usage
Note: Please consider the entire car fleet. Trucks or other vehicles can be considered in a later step.
Carbon Offset
Description | Information | count | Quantity |
Discount : | |||
Total : |
Youris [total] per year.
[item-494_quantity] € to plant
[item-493_quantity] Trees
For each ton of CO2, 40 trees are planted to compensate for it in a climate-neutral way! The trees are planted and cultivated worldwide by our project partners.
[item-491_quantity] € purchasing
Carbon Credits
One Carbon Credit (1 ton) costs 19 Euro
Air Travel
Example: Frankfurt - New York - Frankfurt = 12300km, Frankfurt - Madrid - Frankfurt = 2300 km gives you the possibility to calculate the distances of your journeys exactly.
Other Sources of Energy
Voluntary Tons of Carbon (optional)
How many additional tons do you want to include in the carbon footprint estimate?
For example, to include emissions that have not yet been taken into account, e.g. truck journeys, private flights, company celebrations, voluntary CO2 donations, etc.
Offset CO2 footprint
The final estimated price is :
Description | Information | count | Quantity |
Discount : | |||
Total : |
Following sustainability goals!

Carbon footprint estimation for company´s CO2 emissions
ecorand is a nonprofit organization for CO2 compensation, we developed this carbon footprint calcualtor to give companies a valid estimation of their CO2 carbon footprint. With a few clicks you can find out an estimate of your carbon footprint. The data used for this CO2 calculator a based on average data and scientific studies. You configure your CO2 carbin footprint using this calculator by inserting data to office size, number of employees and business trips by car or plane. This iestimation is only as good as the data provided by you. At the end of the CO2 calculator you can find an estimation of your CO2 footprint. With a few more clicks you can offset your emissions by planting trees or by purchasing CER or Gold Standard carbon credits.
ecorand is for small and medium sized companies who can offset their carbon emissions by planting trees via ecorand association. As we are an NPO, we can offer the most effective climate actions. More than 85% of your donation is going directly into action for reducing carbon emissions.
Carbon offset for companies - free online carbon footprint calculator
Our target group are companies who already know how big their CO2 footprint is and SMEs who first want to find out about their carbon footprint in our free online carbon footprint calculator and then compensate. immediate online results. We offer a free of charge CO2 footprint calculator where you can find out an estimate about your CO2 footprint by a few clicks. All our calculations are based upon scientific studies and experts. Our approach is to offer packages to give a good estimation on your emissions. In our compensation shop you can configure to your best knowledge. We believe that it is better to offset CO2 right away with a 99% accuracy than wait until all your carbon footprint is 100% ISO or GHG compliant.
The core of our service is not the sale of co2 certificates we plant trees instead. Our focus is on reforestation projects around the globe. The trees are local species and are being planted by locals with fair wages.
Once your company has compensated your carbon emissions you will get a communication kit so that you can communicate your true climate action with your employees, investors and clients. You will also get access code for your employees to the ecorand benefit section where your employees can get discounts on eco-friendly products and services.
Do Carbon footprint caclulator for companies make sense?
Yes, carbon footprint calculators for companies can make sense as a tool for measuring and managing the carbon emissions associated with a company’s operations and supply chain. These calculators can help companies identify areas where they can reduce their emissions and set goals for reducing their carbon footprint over time. Additionally, carbon footprint calculators can also be used by investors and consumers to evaluate a company’s environmental performance and compare it to other companies in the same industry.
How do carbon footprint calculators for companies work?
Carbon footprint calculators for companies typically work by collecting data on a company’s energy use, transportation, waste management, and other operations that contribute to carbon emissions. This data is then entered into the calculator, which uses established methodologies and emissions factors to calculate the total carbon footprint of the company.
The calculator will typically require information such as the company’s energy consumption, including electricity, natural gas, and fuel consumption, as well as data on transportation, such as the number of miles traveled by company vehicles and the number of air and ground freight shipments. Some calculators may also take into account other factors such as waste management, water usage, and land use.
Once the data is entered, the calculator will provide a total carbon footprint for the company, as well as breakdowns of emissions by category, such as energy use and transportation. Some calculators also allow companies to set goals and track their progress over time.
It’s important to note that different calculators may use different methodologies and emissions factors, so results may vary. It’s important to use a calculator that is in line with the company’s industry and operations.
Transparent carbon emission compensation - public blockchain register for every tree
After using our online free carbon footprint calculator with immediate results, every planted tree will be registered in a public, manipulation free register. We use a CO2 neutral blockchain for providing this service. Like that we offer CO2 compensation in a transparent way. Our goal is to plant 1 billion trees, by accessing the ecorand register you can find out how many trees have already been planted.